Monday, December 30, 2019

6 Anecdotes You Need to Rehearse Before Your Next Interview

6 Anecdotes You Need to Rehearse Before Yur Next Interview6 Anecdotes You Need to Rehearse Before Your Next Interview Should You Stay or Should You Go? Youve aced Tell me about yourself . Youre cool as a cucumber when asked, Why do you want to work here? And you laugh in the face of What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Youre way past Interviewing 101, but theres a tricky subset of questions that you may not have mastered yet behavioral questions .Behavioral interview questions require you to pull a specific moment from your work history to explain and expand on, and they can be one of the hardest ones to tackle - interview questions are tough enough, but coming up with an example on the spot makes it all the more difficult.To give you a head start, we pulled out a handful of behavioral interview questions from our list of the top 50 most common interview questions. Get ahead of the g ame by learning how to answer them and preparing anecdotes in advanceResist the urge to talk about that time you won your office softball league playoffs or how you got a 4.0 in your hardest class in college. To really nail this question, you should share a story that is as close as possible to the job you are interviewing for, and that best showcases your strengths and approach to work, says Aurora Meneghello, career coach and founder of Repurpose Your Purpose . Describe an instance where there was a problem, state the impact of that problem, and how you were able to solve it. Share the results beyond your immediate solution. For example, if you created a new onboarding system for new hires, share why the company needed one, what was the impact of not having an onboarding system, how you went about creating one, and how, one year later, there is less churn, employees are more efficient, etc., Meneghello says.One of the oldest tricks in the book is for candidates to respond to th is answer by sharing a mistake thats actually a positive attribute, such as I work too hard or I care too much. But be warned recruiters can usually see right through that.At the saatkorn time, though, you should avoid talking about a colossal failure. The mistake most people make is that they either try to dodge the question, or they give an example that is detrimental to them you are still there to sell yourself and prove yourself as a valuable asset, after all, says Steve Pritchard, HR Consultant for giffgaff . Instead, try to think of something that happened a long time ago. More importantly, focus on the lessons you learned and how you carried these lessons forward to ensure you didnt repeat the mistake, Pritchard recommends.When answering this question, make sure not to cast blame on others for whatever predicament you ended up in. Even if they had a hand in it, you dont want to sound like youre not a team player or dont take responsibility for yourself. Keep your focus on what you did, and describe the circumstances in a neutral manner. Stay away from examples of difficult bosses or coworkers although all of us have experienced something like that, an interviewer has no idea whether you are correct in your assessment, or merely projecting your own faults onto others, Meneghello cautions.For example, you could talk about having to build a project with a fraction of the budget your competitors have, and how you were able to use grassroots techniques to overcome that obstacle. For your story to make the biggest impact, make sure to describe vividly why it was so difficult the bigger the problem you solved, the bigger your impact she says.Before you get caught up in sharing your accomplishments, take a step back. Because in order to convey to an interviewer how you went above and beyond, you need to first define above and beyond. Candidates often botch this question by failing to give a brief backstory. Before you can showcase how you went beyond t he role, you have to first set the parameters of the job, says Executive Coach Tim Toterhi . Try to describe what the context of the task was, the goals, and what was specifically expected of you.It is best to pick a project which paid off for the company perhaps you stayed for two extra hours on several occasions to make sure everything was completed well ahead of schedule and to a high quality, or maybe you volunteered to pick up the work left over by a colleague who resigned, Pritchard says. Whatever the example, it should demonstrate a can-do attitude and a willingness to get involved and go the extra mile for your company.Again, in this situation, blaming or bad-mouthing someone isnt the right route to take. It will only make you look deflective or petty. Who knows? You may even be unknowingly disparaging your boss to someone who knows him or her. Especially if youre interviewing within your current industry the world is very small. The person you complain to, might atten d church services with, or be married to a relation of your boss, says success strategist Carlota Zimmerman . Rather, the emphasis here is how disagreeing with your boss forced you to take kampagne and to put the company first, ahead of your frustration and disappointment. Ideally, you want to make it clear that you and your boss maintain a civil, respectful, maybe even close relationship. You want to demonstrate your empathy for your boss and your belief in achieving the companys mission statement, Zimmerman adds.Dont get caught up in just listing every leadership role youve ever had - think about the ones where you truly made a difference. Anyone can rattle off the manager positions theyve held or the volunteer work they performed, but the leadership is measured on impact, Toterhi says. People should be changed (for the better) for having interacted with you. And, if youre lucky, you should be changed as well. And if those experiences are related to the work youll be doing, all the better. In addition, youll want to make sure that your experiences as a leader demonstrate proactivity .Never give examples of a time leadership was thrust upon you this sounds like you are reluctant to take on responsibility and have to be made to do so, Pritchard says. You should demonstrate your ability to build a harmonious team and create a positive working relationship with the people you lead.And, of course, that teamwork should ideally lead to results. Someone who is a leader is able to demonstrate the ability to get others to want to get on board with the direction the team is going. Think of an example when you were able to get coworkers or direct reports on board with an idea that had a successful outcome, advises April Klimkiewicz, career coach and owner of bliss evolution .

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

These are the hardest-working cities in the U.S.

These are the hardest-working cities in the U.S.These are the hardest-working cities in the U.S.No rest for the weary.Our nations employees are some of the most hard working in the world - working an average of 1,763 hours per year - approximately 25% more than our counterparts in Europe, but behind workers in Mexico (where people average 2,255 hours/year), according to the weltweitOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development.Yet, even in the U.S. there are some cities that burn the midnight oil more than others, according to a new study by financial advisor WalletHub,which looked at factors including the length of an average workweek, labor force participation rate, length of commute and number of hours spent volunteering and at leisure, according to Business Insider.Notably, researchers question whether longer hours necessarily mean more productivity - and say that longer hours can actually have negative influences on the community.Here are the hardest-working cities1.A nchorage, AlaskaAverage hours worked per week 40.9Average minutes spent commuting to work 19.5Average minutes of leisure time in a day 220.52. Plano, TexasAverage hours worked per week 40.5Average minutes spent commuting to work 26.0Average minutes of leisure time in a day 311.93. Cheyenne, WyomingAverage hours worked per week 40.4Average minutes spent commuting to work 13.7Average minutes of leisure time in a day 330.64. Virginia Beach, VirginiaAverage hours worked per week 40.2Average minutes spent commuting to work 23.2Average minutes of leisure time in a day 324.25. Irving, TexasAverage hours worked per week 40.3Average minutes spent commuting to work 23.4Average minutes of leisure time in a day 311.96. Scottsdale, ArizonaAverage hours worked per week 40.2Average minutes spent commuting to work 21.9Average minutes of leisure time in a day 343.37. San Francisco, CaliforniaAverage hours worked per week 39.8Average minutes spent commuting to work 31.7Average minutes of leisure time in a day 320.08. Corpus Christi, TexasAverage hours worked per week 40.5Average minutes spent commuting to work 19.5Average minutes of leisure time in a day 311.99. Washington, DCAverage hours worked per week 40Average minutes spent commuting to work 29.7Average minutes of leisure time in a day 375.310. Sioux Falls, South DakotaAverage hours worked per week 38.9Average minutes spent commuting to work 16.7Average minutes of leisure time in a day 374.311. DenverAverage hours worked per week 39.3Average minutes spent commuting to work 24.8Average minutes of leisure time in a day 32712. DallasAverage hours worked per week 39.9Average minutes spent commuting to work 26Average minutes of leisure time in a day 311.913. Charlotte, North CarolinaAverage hours worked per week 39.5Average minutes spent commuting to work 24.9Average minutes of leisure time in a day 316.814. Gilbertt, ArizonaAverage hours worked per week 39.3Average minutes spent commuting to work 27.4Average minutes of leisure time in a day 343.315. Jersey City, New JerseyAverage hours worked per week 39.4Average minutes spent commuting to work 36.2Average minutes of leisure time in a day 344.2

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Isherwood

Benjamin Franklin Isherwood Benjamin Franklin Isherwood Benjamin Franklin IsherwoodThe steam engineering building at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, bears the name of a man whose pioneering work not only set the stage for modern ship building but also welches the basis for great advancement in mechanical engineering.In fact, the revolutionary engineering program initiated by Benjamin Franklin Isherwood (1831 1915) at the Naval Academy became the vorlage for professional mechanical engineering education. That basic curriculum entwurfed at Annapolis in the late 1860s and 1870s still serves as the core of university mechanical engineering study throughout the U.S. and beyond.It may surprise many that Isherwood had no formal engineering education but his unique and innovative ideas catapulted him to the pinnacle of the engineering corps in the U.S. Navy in 1861.Born in New York in 1822, Isherwood attended Albany Academy in 1831 at the age of 9 and spent five years ther e. He learned mechanics and engineering on the job while working successively on the Utica Schenectady Railroad, Croton Aqueduct, Erie Railroad, and at the Novelty Iron Works in New York City. His last civilian job involved designing and constructing lighthouses for the Treasury Department before starting his long career in the Navy.Isherwood joined the Navy Engineering korporation in 1844 at the age of 22 and quickly demonstrated his talent, becoming chief engineer of the Corps five years later. He then rose to become the engineer-in-chief of the Navy in 1861 and then went on to head the Bureau of Steam Engineering for six years, from 1863 to 1869.During the Mexican-American War, he served on the steam warship Princeton, and later became senior engineer of the gunboat Spitfire.The steam engineering building at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, bears the name of Benjamin Franklin Isherwood due to his advancements in modern ship building.When the war ended, Isherwood was assigned to the Washington Navy Yard, where he assisted Charles Stuart in designing engines and experiments with steam as a source of power for propelling ships. Throughout the 1850s, Isherwood compiled operational and performance data from steam engines in the U.S. and foreign commercial vessels and warships. He used this empirical data to analyze the efficiency of engine types then in use.It was during the U.S. Civil War, however, that his contribution to modern ship building became well known. His main achievement was the rapid design and construction of a steam-powered fleet for the Union. He had to provide a sufficient number of ships to blockade Confederate supply routes, a daunting task given the state of the U.S. Navy in 1861.During the war, Isherwood designed machinery for 46 paddlewheel vessels and 79 screw steamers. In 1862, he advocated building large, fast, heavily armed and armored ships, which were built from 1863 until after the war. He also conducted numerous e xperiments on marine engines to study the practical use of steam for power. Between 1863 and 1865, Isherwood published the first and second volumes of Experimental Researches in Steam Engineering, which were translated into six languages and became the standard engineering text upon which future steam experiments were based.Immediately upon the conclusion of the Civil War, Isherwood was principally involved with organizing a new scientific curriculum for steam engineering at the Naval Academy. By 1874, naval engineers refined this curriculum to the point that it served as the model for mechanical engineering education at most American universities.Although his Wampanoag (1868) was the fastest ship in the world, Isherwood came under increasing criticism from civilian engineers, Congress, and naval officers who believed steam-powered vessels had too many drawbacks, and consequently, he left the Navy.The apparent setback failed to dim his spirit, as Isherwood continued to produce techn ical innovations. In 1870 and 1871, he conducted experiments that resulted in a propeller that was used by the Navy for the next 27 years.He was a pioneer in the production of fast cruisers, producing this class against strong opposition. Following a tour of European dockyards, he became president of the Experimental Board under the Bureau of Steam Engineering until his retirement in 1884.After his ignominious forced retirement from the service, the Navy sought to make amends in recognition of his great work. He was made Rear Admiral, the highest rank given to an engineer in the history of the U.S. Navy at the time.The steam engineering building at the Naval Academy was named after him in recognition of innovation and experts in the effective assessment, development, execution, or deployment of technological solutions for operational Fleet needs.Furthermore, three Navy ships (two destroyers and a fleet replenishment oiler) have been named for him as well.The American Society of Mech anical Engineers made Isherwood an Honorary Member in 1894 in recognition of his great contribution to the field of mechanical engineering.This great engineering genius, whom George W. Dyson, in an article in the Naval Institutes Proceedings called possibly the greatest engineer the U.S. Navy had developed, died in New York City in 1915 at the age of 91.Arshad Mahmud is an independent writer.It may surprise many that Isherwood had no formal engineering education but his unique and innovative ideas catapulted him to the pinnacle of the engineering corps in the U.S. Navy in 1861.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Prints Indelible Mark

Prints Indelible Mark Prints Indelible Mark Prints Indelible Mark, Part 1Futurists have been predicting the demise of print-on-paper publishing for decades. Sure enough, e-readers, smart phones, and websites have transformed the habits of information consumers. Somehow, though, the dead-tree format has persisted.New technologies such as sheet-fed inkjet presses and different types of inks are helping printers counter digital medias advantages in terms of customization, production costs per unit, and visual impact. While theres no stopping the advance of digital media, there is every reason to believe that print will be around for much longer than welches once predicted.Throughout the history of printing, people have overcome challenges from critics, commercial interests, and even climate to put words into type. Here is a look back at some unusual milestones that underscore humankinds relentless drive to improve technologies for capturing the printed word.For You Discover the latest b reakthroughs in manufacturing and design at Diamonds Are Forever A page from the Diamond Sutra, the worlds oldest dated printed book. bild Wikimedia CommonsHappy 1,150th birthday to the worlds oldest dated printed book, the Diamond Sutra. Printed on a manual woodblock press in 9th century China and discovered by western archeologists in 1907, the 17.5-foot scroll has much to tell us about the early rise of printing technology. Its key claim to fame? The ancient equivalent of a copyright blurb, which dates its publication to May 11, 868, by one Wang Jie on behalf of his parents.The text is a sacred Buddhist sermon that was first translated from Sanskrit into Chinese several hundred years earlier. Because the act of reproducing holy books was thought to bring merit and ward off evil spirits, Buddhists began honing their woodblock carving and printing skills in the 7th century. As they brought their faith to new parts of the world, woodblock printing know-how b egan spreading across Asia. Little is known about the history of the scroll before the year 1000, when it and thousands of other important books were hidden in a cave to protect them from an impending attack by a neighboring kingdom. The cave was rediscovered by Chinese monks around 1900. Seven years later, British archeologist Marc Aurel Stein got wind of the hidden library, bribed its protectors, and smuggled the Diamond Sutra and other texts out of China.Whoever printed the book for Wang Jie followed a painstaking process, which began by painting the text onto sheets of paper. The manuscript was then pasted ink-side down on a wooden block to serve as a kind of stencil. The individual characters were then carved into the wood block, creating a reverse impression of the text. Seven blocks in total were carved to capture the full text of the Diamond Sutra. Each block was inked and pressed onto a piece of paper, which were then connected and rolled into a scroll. Historians believe p rinters could make up to 1,000 copies per day from each carved wood block.zeilensetzmaschine on the LineHailed by Thomas Edison as the Eighth Wonder of the World, Ottmar Mergenthalers Linotype machine transformed the printing industry by dramatically simplifying and accelerating the laborious processes of manual typesetting and page composition.Before the Linotype, type was composited by hand by skilled typesetters placing individual reusable letters, numerals, and spaces on a printing plate. The time-consuming process effectively limited daily newspapers to eight pages per issue, so newspaper owners eagerly backed new automation technologies that would give them more pages, and more advertising space. Appearing in 1886, the Linotype automated the process with molten metal type that was poured into reusable character-shaped molds set into place one line at a time using a specialized keyboard. The hulking Linotype reigned supreme in the worlds printing plants for decades before final ly succumbing to electronic composition methods in the 1980s.The device, however, was nearly the victim of its own promise.Mergenthalers first practical model was manufactured in Baltimore from 1886 to 1888. The directors of his company limited the use of the first 100 of these machines to a small group of publishers who had invested in its development. They also prohibited Mergenthaler from making improvements to the original, problematic design. Unable to make a profit, the company nearly folded. Mergenthaler decided to quit. By 1888, after overcoming a near fatal bout of pleurisy, the relentless tinkerer developed a vastly improved Linotype design, the Model 1, and a reorganized Linotype Company would go on to dominate the printing industry for nearly a century.Michael MacRae is an independent writer. In Part 2 of Prints Indelible Mark, learn about the Paige Compositor, extremely cold type, and the ultra-complex Chinese typewriter.Read MoreSnake Robots Crawl to the RescueUltrasou nd Patch Monitors Critical ComponentsPumping Extremely Hot Metal For Further Discussion

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

FlexJobs on Facebook - QA on Including Pictures with Resumes

FlexJobs on Facebook - QA on Including Pictures with Resumes on Facebook - QA on Including Pictures with Resumes5Heres what we do on FacebookWe answer your questions If you have a question about in particular, or job searching in general, well help you out.We run contests Some of the contests in the past include asking you to comment about telecommuting and flexible work topics, or to Like on Facebook, or to nominate someone for a free subscription. Our prizes include free or reduced subscription prices and swag like awesome coffee mugs.We keep you informed We link to telecommuting-related news stories and stay on top of trends in the telecommuting and flexible work.Heres a question we we were recently asked on the Facebook pageQUESTION When submitting your resume for telecommuting positions where the company may never have the chance to see you, what is your take on including a head shot (preferably professional) attached to your resume? Do you find this helpful so the employer has some idea of who they are speaking to/interviewing? I wonder if this would up your chances of getting a first call.ANSWER Put a face to your name. In traditional jobs, people meet face-to-face in an interview. However, telecommuting jobs dont often include an in-person interview, so providing a picture can be a good way to personalize your application and put a face to the name. That being said, there are a couple guidelines to followOnly use a PROFESSIONAL, friendly picture. The picture you use can either help to make a good first impression, or a bad first impression. Dont risk the latter.If you dont feel comfortable adding a picture, dont do it. A resume without a picture is just fine too. This is just an option, and one you should use if you want to, not because you think you should.Employers cannot require you to submit a picture in order to apply for a job unless its for acting, modeling, or similar jobs. If a job listing requires that you submit a picture, think about why the employer might want a picture. If their motives seem innocent, it might be alright to comply. But if there are hints of discriminatory practices or other poor motives, proceed with caution.And remember, pre-screens every job listing it finds or receives BEFORE we post it for our members to weed out scams and shady employment practices.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Consultant

The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Consultant The Fundamentals of Resume Consultant That You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away Why it is essential to maintain a Construction Worker Application even as you work. A Leasing Consultant is occasionally called a Leasing Agent. In some cases he will be asked to lease an empty lot or mobile homes. An effective Leasing Consultant is a person who delivers results by capitalizing on her or his assets. At this time you have the experience. Clearly, the job or a realtor is like that of a Leasing Consultant. It is crucial to highlight yur skills, and you are finished. Mathematic skills could also be useful in determining lease agreements. Added benefits of a Professional Resume Typically resuming writing isnt your field of expertise. If this Leasing Consultant resume example was not sufficient for you, youre totally free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Plan Route It might seem like an obvious one, but its also a vitally important one. For those who have just a couple of certifications, you may include them in your resume header. Concentrate on your relevant experience and attempt to set a number wherever you may. You ought to have the ability to discover the absolute best free curriculum vitae builder which may help you produce a professional curriculum vitae that will provide you with an extraordinary job prospect. REFERENCES Available upon request Mid-Level Professional Resume After working in the area for at least three decades, a candidate is regarded as a mid-level professional. What Is So Fascinating About Resume Consultant? Resume plays an essential function in determining your future prospects with a consulting company. Structure of the resume objective The very first sentence of an objective should have the ability to explain the employer why you are the ideal candidate for the specific post and what would you like to do something good for the organization. The best resumes are a reflection of an individual, NOT only a selection of words on a sheet of paper. Youre probably wondering how the resume writing process works and whats involved. Your resume header is where you are able to strategically add a few crucial words to create a highly effective first impression. As soon as you obtain, the template is permanently yours, which means you can upgrade whenever you have a title change or maybe desire to highlight a recent outcome. The Hidden Treasure of Resume Consultant It is possible to always check the regional newspapers for job openings but there are different avenues you may utilize to find work opportunities. You also encounter different people on the job and as prospective buyers or sellers. Another alternative is to sign up for short training programs ahead of your job search. List your work title, the name of the organization, its place, and dates worked. Being mentally ready for a work hunt of a month or two or mora can make sur e that you arent too disappointed in the event the job that youre searching for isnt right around the corner. Practice It could be worthwhile to bring a little bit of time to plan out what it is you are planning to say and getting some help and advice from your family and friends. Starting out in the work market isnt always simple, but with a terrific entry level apartment leasing consultant resume template, you will discover that its much simpler. Bear in mind, every work application demands a customized resume that matches precisely what theyre searching for Therere offered for download, if youd prefer and desire to receive it, just click save badge in the webpage, and itll be directly downloaded to your laptop. Offering free resume reviews is one method to discover clients.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Job interview question and answer Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it

Job interview question and answer Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it Job interview question and answer Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled itPosted October 13, 2011, by Elissa Collier An interviewer will ask this question if they want to find out whether or not you can work under pressure. Describe the heavy workload perhaps a time when you had lots of simultaneous deadlines to meet or a period at work when colleagues were on leave and you were covering more than one parts responsibilities. Its good if you can do this with enthusiasm. For example, if you had five huge projects that all had to be completed in the same week, its good if you can give a brief description of a couple of the projects to show that you enjoyed the work you did on them. The interviewer doesnt just want to know that you got the work done they want to know how you achieved it. So, if youre a person who likes to make lists, tell the interviewer this but also explain why you find this useful. Show that you know how to prioritise this might be as simple as asking the person who gave you the work when they need it done by or creating a chart that shows a timeline of what needs to be done. In this answer, it might also be useful to point out how you handle stress in these situations as a way of dealing with heavy workloads. If hitting the gym helps you combat stress and clear your head at times when your brain is working overtime, tell the interviewer this. It will show them that you know how to deal with a heavy workload, and know your limitations and how to manage them. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheslibrarian job advertsbricklayer interview questions and answersjob advertisement about itartist interview questio ns and answersexamples of tour guide job advertisement sample CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire erreichbar Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineElissa CollierRelated ArticlesBrowse moreGovernment jobsThe public sector a world of opportunityPeople have this idea that working in the public sector is all about boring jobs but it isnt. Ive had an extraordinary career doing terrific things that I believe in.WORKFORCE TRENDSDistance education comes closerWith the growth of technologies such as high-speed Internet, web seminars and social media, and with millions of web-literate users, education is now mobile and a whole lot more accessible.Interview questionsInterview tipsCheat Sheets To Help You Feel Extra Prepared For Your InterviewNice work Youve landed the interview Your next move should be checking out this ultimate list of cheat sheets (and bonus e-book) to help you feel extra prepared for your job interview. We cover key interview questions, what to wear, body language, tips for mature age workers & more